Happiness Rules From Shivani Bahen
BK Shivani is a Rajyoga Meditation Teacher who has
been studying spiritual knowledge and practicing the
ancient technique of Rajyoga Meditation, as taught by
the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Mount Abu, for the past 12 years. She
conducts motivational courses through seminars and
television programmes.

- Always be positive in all situations.
- Forgive all people unconditionally.
- Accept Situations, Relations and Work as they are, if you cannot change them.
- Have no regrets for anything that has happened, just learn the lesson that was required.
- Enjoy each and every moment of life.
- No regret for anyone.
- Let go – Do not hold any matter
- Forget everything happen in past.
- Do not expect anything from anyone.
- Love all– Life is Very Short

4 Simple Habits For A Happy Life: BK Shivani